Mirrored with permission from Outpost Nine and Azrael
Closing Time
In Japan, schools have "cleaning time" built into the schedule, where the kids (and occasionally the teachers too) do a campus wide cleaning. It usually lasts about 15 minutes, and takes place either after lunch, or after school. It's an admirable thought, but kids are, after all, kids, so mostly they end up swinging brooms around and pushing dirt into places where you can't easily see it. I always contribute to cleaning time in the American way - by sitting on my ass in the teachers room. I tell my kids that we don't have cleaning time in America (at least, at any of the schools I went to) and this is absolutely shocking news to them.
On the last day before Spring Vacation, there was to be a big cleaning time, followed by a closing ceremony (Japan loves ceremonies). Everyone got out, rolled up their sleeves, and cleaned the school "by our own hands". I played my part by rolling up my sleeves and checking Yahoo! News for the 15th time in 3 hours. Update, damn you, update. But eventually, I left the teachers room - had to go to the bathroom, and while I was up I figured I'd go buy my lunch from the local convienence store.
Anyway, I'm on my way to the bathroom, when suddenly I get kancho'ed. ...The fuck is this?! I turned around, but my assailant had already walked past - I looked forward to see the "I'll get it one day!" boy, holding some kind of big box of supplies in one hand, walking by with a fat grin on his face. I couldn't believe it.
And then, I just lost it. Maybe it was a combination of my mood, the ass-raping I'd taken two weeks before (see "Requiem For a Legacy"), and the fact that I'd already dropped the last barrier of American non-ass poking sanity I had left, but the kicker was his full-of-himself "I gotcha bitch!" grin. That was what got me. It's like in the movie Titanic, when Leonardio DiCaprio stands on the bow of the ship and shouts "I'm the king of the world!" and you just want to walk up behind him and push that fucker right off the ship. ...At least, that's what I wanted to do.
Well, the Titantic and the Atlantic Ocean were a long way away, and this boy was no Leo, so I did the next best thing - I counter-kanchoed him. Not my best moment, I know, but I don't care. I didn't give him the "One Thousand Years of Pain!", no, I just gave him the "Four Hundred Years of Pain!" or something like that. The boy turns around, completely shocked. Betcha he wasn't expecting that shit! "Pervert! ...Pervert!" He cries out.
...Now waitaminute. This is the boy who, more or less everytime I see him, has made an all-out effort to grab my dick. This includes advanced strategy and tactics shit, even networking with other boys. This is the boy who, I have just accepted, every time I see him he's going for my johnson. Some people's daily routines go something like "Wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, take coffee break, take lunch, etc", but mine goes something like "Wake up, skip breakfast, go to work, play Dodgedick, etc". This is THAT boy. And somehow, I'm the pervert?! I couldn't even respond to that, I was just in utter disbelief.
The boy runs ahead and puts his box down. He then turns around and makes a beeline for me, he was rushing my shit down like an defensive linebacker. "No way," I think. "No way in hell would he seriously just walk up there and put his box down in the MIDDLE of "Big Cleaning" and turn around and..." That was about as far as I got before I had to catch his hands as he lunged for my dick. And again, we find ourselves in this Endless Waltz. Sigh.
I wasted no time in running him to an open door, throwing him outside, then closing the door and jogging away to create distance. I kind of sort of thought this had solved the problem. Nope. Here he comes running up behind me. I increase the pace of my jog. He's closing in on me. I burst out into a sprint. A sprint, in the middle of a school hallway to avoid getting my dick grabbed. That's just...special. I manage to outrun him at least back to the teacher's room, which scares him off. Having survived yet another shocking incident, I collect what's left of my wits and went to go get my lunch. On the way though, I realized two things.
1. Kancho Sense� was still down. Damn. ANGST! check...well....I'd fallen a few levels, but it really only took me from "Crawling in My Skin" to "Numb." Thank God today was the last day before vacation.
2. I had completely forgotten to go to the bathroom. Now that is a first. Have you ever just flat out, completely forgotten to go to the bathroom before? Having to run full speed from a Dick Grabbing Commando requires 100% concentration, and y'know, all other unimportant details, like going to the bathroom, have to get put on the backburner for awhile.
This, however, was only lunchtime. The day was still far from over...
Previous: Requiem For a Legacy - Part III
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